The most popular order options are
11" x 8.5" before folding, printed on
100# Gloss Text weight paper. Brochures are most often printed full color on both sides (4/4). The most common folds are Tri-Folds, Z-Folds, and Half-Folds.
Tri-Folds and Z-Folds give you 3 panels
to display your information on each side. Half-Folds give you 2 panels on each side.
The most common order options are
5.5" x 8.5 and 8.5 x 11" with no folding,
printed on 100# Gloss Text weight paper.
Flyers are typically printed in full color on one or both sides (4/4, 4/0).
Flyers are flat (not folded).
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